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Within the public sector we have experience of dealing with major planning applications and preparation of planning policy and guidance. We have an extensive network of contacts across different sectors of the industry who can be called upon for help as and when needed.


We can prepare all kinds of planning applications including outline, detailed and hybrid. Many of the documents needed for a planning application can be produced by us or we can help recommend other consultants that we work with.

We work with select architects and designers who can produce the necessary plans for your project.

A site appraisal will evaluate the constraints and opportunities of your land and consider various options for you to make an informed choice on how to progress. We can produce site appraisals quickly and at a competitive cost.

If you are considering options or need advice on your project we can advise you, making use of our considerable experience of planning and constructing major residential and commercial projects.

Design and Access Statements are often a mandatory requirement for planning applications and we can produce these to promote the positive aspects of your proposal.

If you need to have a general chat about a planning project or issue we are more than happy to go through some ideas with you and provide advice and guidance. Send us an email and we will call you back.

Most local authorities offer a pre-application service where you can submit basic details of a proposal and have a planning officer’s informal opinion. These are often the first step toward seeking a planning permission and can be a more cost effective option than going straight to a planning application.

We will consider your preferred development proposal/s and provide an assessment of the planning prospects. We can advise on validation requirements, key planning issues and timescales.

Affordable Housing is typically sought on most residential applications these days. We can explain the process of how it works and the most appropriate way for your application to deal with it. There are some applications that do not need to make any contribution or instead of providing homes can make a payment in lieu.

Community consultation has become an important part of the planning process and we can undertake the appropriate type of engagement for you and prepare a Statement of Community Involvement that is submitted with your application.

If you have land that you wish to promote for development we can make the necessary representations to the local authority and ensure that your site is given the best possible chance of being allocated. We can produce planning statements as well as promotional documents and brochures to sell your site to the local authority planners.

Should a planning appeal be necessary we can produce the necessary documents and lead the process for you including attendance at hearings and inquiries.

Many applications require the agreement of a section 106 agreement that obligates the landowner to make certain payments toward public benefits such as Education, Highways, Open Space. We can negotiate these requirements on your behalf with the local authority. The Community Infrastructure Levy has replaced the need for many s106 contributions and is a tax on the amount of new floor space your application has. CIL requires the submission of specific forms at certain milestones through out the planning and development stages and we can ensure the appropriate forms are submitted at the correct time.

For planning applications we can prepare both drainage strategies and flood risk assessments for sites with a risk of flooding.

Our team provide consultancy support to ensure technical deliverability of projects in relation to civil and structural engineering.

Heritage is a key element of many planning application in Cornwall, whether that’s onsite designated assets or a sensitive landscape setting. We can prepare heritage impact statements to ensure heritage does not become a barrier to a successful planning application.

We can provide a review of the proposed site and its setting, to ascertain any sensitivities of the landscape which may need to be considered when making the application.